Holistic Development in Forest School.

Holistic Development in Forest School.

Holistic development is described by taking into account multiple layers of emotions, practical abilities, personality and experience, instead of simply defining a person narrowly through academic assessments.

Every Learner at Forest School is seen as much more than their average abilities and attitudes…

The Forest School holistic ideal is based on the concept that each learner ultimately finds a ‘sense of self’, meaning, and purpose in life through connections to their Community, to the Natural World, and to Spiritual values including Empathy for other all Living things.

Holistic Development within Forest School  also includes some understanding and dialogue about the world’s great religions (including Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Islam, Christian, Pagan and North American Indian.)

Holistic Development also encompasses further activities such as communication and confidence skills – Group Story Telling, Local History & Folklore, Craftwork using tools, Shelter Building, Problem solving, Appropriate Managed Risk taking and Simple Cookery.

Taking into account our learners different physical and emotional abilities our Forest School program incorporates best practice in regard to Holistic Development – this particularly involves time for free play when needed.

Learning Outcomes are met simply by promoting the idea of ‘Learning by doing’ which leads to ‘deep level learning’ because the learners are comfortable within their environment and their staff have taken into account an individual learners needs.